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Der renomierte Club Left Bank in Tbilissi hat a Spending campaign started, with the 30,000 euros that were earned, a political unrest in Georgia was overcome. See you two days ago when you are in Georgia on the StraßeThere must be protests against the EU Beitritts Treaty. Sie door de Neuwahlen und Wiederaufnahme der Gespräche with de European Union.
Anyway common Erklärung provided BassianiKHIDI and others Kulturstätten in Tbilissi have left the Left Bank of the government, the will of the Georgian Volkes will be ignored. “The unlawful control of the population of the people, the part of the European family that is insulted,” is a fact.
The Left Bank team has built the bet, the fact is that the protests are in solidarity. “Staatlich unterstützte Gewalt und Massaverhaftungen bedrohen unsere Gesellschaft. Kulturräume, kleine Unternehmen, Lehrer:innen und in Theater Arbeitende setzen ihre Existenz aufs Spiel, um gegen dieses Unrecht zu kämpfen”, erklärt es. “We are very happy with our lives, we have our own resources since we have lived our lives.”
Those publications are not as large as the Club retten, but other von der Krise influenced Kulturräume and Menschen unterstützen. “You will have a great time, you will spend your money, your team will be successful in your campaign or your awareness of the crisis in Georgia,” says the Team.
Letztes Jahr was the left bank of the Angebot with the Treffpunkt Space Oneder as Plattenladen, Buchhandlung und Café betrieben wird. The local culture is worth its weight in gold when it comes to music and political activities.
If the Club can no longer do it, it can pass GoFundMe Oder PayPal tons.
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